শনিবার, ৩ নভেম্বর, ২০১২

Wasilla Watch Party ? Malia Litman's Blog

People around the country plan to host or attend ?Watch? parties on November 6th. We can only speculate about what the Palin family will be doing on the 6th. They might be hunkering down to finish their fitness book over s?mores and cookies. ?Sarah might be giving a motivational speech ? about quitting. Of course Sarah would have to mow the grass before the party, and Todd would have to be in charge of the beer acquisition, which would be stored in the garage. Willow would be responsible for the hard liquor and drugs.

If Todd is off trying to sell his new reality show, ?Life As a Pimp: My Journey So Far,? he?ll just have to be home on the 6th.


Hence this is just a suggestion for the Palin family, should they plan their own watch party.


Theme: Lunar Landing

A Lunar Landing theme would be perfect! They could use those glow in the dark celestial bodies on the ceiling of the house and amaze their guests.


The great thing is that you don?t have to now anything about the proper location or history of the stars to arrange them. Trigg could do this.

Pictures of Newt could be scattered throughout the house, and Newt could give a guest lecture at the party of his vision for the moon.


Music: Frank Sinatra:


Food: Cupcakes

Piper could be in charge of refreshments which would consist of Lunar Vanilla Cupcakes,


And Lunar Chocolate Cupcakes.



Guest List:

Rick and Anita Perry

Michelle and Marcus Bachmann

Herb Cain and the flavor of the month

Newt and Callista, and any friends

The entire Anchorage Police Department

Sean Parnell

Diana Palin


David Chaney

Glen Rice

Brad Hanson



Party Games:

Dancing?Michelle and Marcus to be in charge

Twister ?Newt and Callista to be in charge

Mystery Date (geared for 6-14 years olds) ? Herb to be in charge of this game.

Contestants discovery the thrill of meeting their secret admirer, who could be 1) the formal dance date, 2) the bowling date, 3) the beach date, 4) the skiing date, or 5) the dud.


Taboo-Rick and Anita Perry to be in charge

Malarky-The Anchorage Police Department to be in charge

Monopoly?Diana Palin to be in charge

Risk-Sean Parnell to be in charge

Hollywood Squares ? Bristol to be in charge.

Top Secret ? David Chaney to be in charge


Decision Day Basketball ?Glen Rice to be in charge

Family Feud, or Trouble- Brad Hanson


Post-Election Entertainment

Todd could be in charge of post-election entertainment, and he?d probably play his favorite movie for all the guests.


Party Favors:

Three Stooges T-Shirts







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Source: http://malialitman.wordpress.com/2012/11/02/wasilla-watch-party/

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